Monday, October 26, 2009

Car wash bath

When I was in the nursing home they gave you a shower every four or five days. I understand that is a state law. Anyway you went into the shower room and un dressed. When my leg was in a cast they put a plastic bag over it. Then nude you were on a chair with wheels and were shoved into a shower stall. They adjusted the temperature to what you liked and then like a Buick you were washed from all sides. I understand some nursing homes don't do that they just let the patients get dirty but at least Shawnee Gardens on the rehab side did it. When I got moved off that wing they did not so I told them it was a state law so I got showers but they shower person was mad at me most of the time. I made them mad a lot. They told me I got up at night too often and un-plugged my call light so I would not bother them. Old people in nursing home need to go often so I know that night shift was suppose to do it. They did not like to be bothered. Most of the night shift were students at the Junior College on a scholarship and were earning money that way. There were some who were very good but most of them just worked weekends. The women were better than the men. I kept a diary of my time there and I was not happy. Especially after they took oatmeal of the breakfast menu and only had Cream of Wheat I do like oatmeal for breakfast.

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