Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kansas turns 100

Earlier I wrote about Shawnee and its birthday. Now Kansas had a birthday too a few years after. A committee picked 10 famous Kansans in TV and business. I guess they did not take on Eisenhower. The business ones are a little hard to remember but the TV ones are easier. We had Milburn Stone from "Gunsmoke" and Vivian Vance from the "I Love Lucy" show. There were others from business. One I remember was a banker from New York who when they went up on the podium at the dinner in the Municipal Auditorium in Topeka pushed his chair to the back of it and fell off backwards. He was not hurt but it was a little awkward for awhile. I hope he was a better banker. I think the little girl from "It's a "Wonderful Life" was a Kansan but don't remember if she was there. They had a pageant at the fairgrounds but it was in the summer as Kansas' birthday is January 29 along with our daughter, Susan. She is much younger than the state. I thought I had a unique way to celebrate with having a daughter. I controlled not naming her Kansas but named her after myself but she always used her middle name.

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