Friday, November 12, 2010

Lost children

I watched TV and they have an amber alert for lost children and I think of the three occasions when I lost children. First one was my daughter Sally. I counted my kids when I got in the car and Sally was missing. I rushed back in the store and she was by the counter waiting. Second one I lost was Susan. We were using two bunk beds together in one room. We had the neighbors looking and when I went back into the house I checked once more. She had fallen asleep between the two top bunks. The third one I lost was Steve our oldest. During Easter vacation he and two other neighbor boys went on a hike west. They picked up some glass bottles and stood on a bridge and broke them on the rocks below. They were arrested and taken to Olathe where Ray found out they were at the Sheriff's office. It is not good to lose children.


  1. I know what you mean! My sons all went through a phase at about 7 that drove our family to pulling our hair out and considering using a lease on occasion. They would simply become absorbed in their environment instead of me as I tend to go through stores like a daughter of a Marine... Most of my wanderers choose to do so at the mall. NOT FUN!!
    Thank God in heaven nothing as serious as an Amber alert has happened in my family...My heart goes out to all the families for whom a missing child is a real and present issue.
