Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things on my thumb

I have two new marks on my thumb that are caused by using my wheelchair to go forward and backwards but since I do not spell weell. I will try calasus. That sounds like a math class. I remeber my mother trying to help with spelling. I even had two spelling books, one at school and one at home. My sister, Helen was so smart she even got moved a grade ahead but not me. When we had spelling bees I was one of the last chosen then only because the teacher made them take everyone. I was smart in reading, did well in geography but was low in penmanship so it is well ZI never acpooomplished anything that I needed to sign autographs and banks do not care how you sign their checks. As a teacher I was very lienent to my pupils. But I wanted people to know it is hardwork doing a wheelchair when you have uneven floors like I do and too narrow doorways so you have to go backward through them but I am making it and it does mean I get around in my house so I can watch the birds at my birdbath, the many marigolds I have and see the sky. I do not recommend people having to use wheelchairs but it is nicer than laying in bed all the time so am glad wheelchairs were invented.

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