Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Memory 1

After World War 2 and the country was trying to regain things the government had in the schools for neighbors things like sewing classes. The Junior High across the street from where my mother lived in Topeka offered sewing. I signed up and made a little coat for my son Steve and then my husband wanted me to make him a Santa Claus Suit. Under Mrs. Dove's guidance I tried and he was aatisfied and wore it at events for it twice , Once riding in a convertible through our own area giving out candy and once to a theater production they attended in the City of Shawnee, My daughter Cindy would have a Christmas party at her house for friends children and he would wear it. He loved to wear it and finally wore it out and I had to make another. I think after he was not able to be Santa the suit went to Lawrence, Kansas and our youngest son, Scott wore it on occasion. My husband loved costumes and I also made him and I clown suits we wore to Grandchildren's parties and ran the games. I still have them in a closet somewhere.

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