Friday, February 4, 2011

Shelves in the closet

I sit in my wheelchair and try to remember what is on the shelves of my closets. In one room I can see the Barbie suitcases which must house my daughters' Barbie Dolls and I look at what is hanging there and there must be the clown suits Ray and I wore to run games at our grandchildren's birthday parties and the dresses that Sally and Cindy wore at their older sister Susan's wedding. I can see Cindy's prom server dress I made wrong side out because I picked the pretty side. In another closet I see the box of letters that I wrote Ray when he was in the army and he kept. Maybe it is just as well I cannot take things down and look through them as I might be disappointed and this way I just have the memories which are kind of faded now. Two rooms I cannot even get my wheelchair in so those closet shelves might have treasures only to me and no one else. It is probably like the drawers in my chest of drawers that have treasures for me and rummage sale value to others.

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