Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

The nice thing about Valentine's Day is that somethings are the same. Valentine's are mailed, cards, flowers and candy are given as gifts and everyone seems happy. When I was in school we exchanged Valentines and they used to have comic ones that were mean. I did not like them and generally got them from mean boys who thought they were very funny as they mentioned some of our faults. I never sent comic valentines. My mother had me give one to everyone in the class but I never did comic. As I became older and had boyfriends they were more interesting. Now I receive them from relatives and my church and it is still fun to get them. I guess there was a St Valentine they were named after but I am not sure of the historical facts on the holiday so I just enjoy what I receive. It is fun to get email with greetings and know you are remembered. I like the heart decorations around my house. I have a cute clown doll that sits on the bookcase and I enjoy seeing. If my memory is correct my husband Ray was making a speech and the clown was a decoration on the table. They presented it to me after the speech much to the sorrow of the woman who had made it and was planning on taking it home. I have a heart wreath on the front door and on a wall inside. I have hearts falling from my ceiling and a flag outside on the house with a Valentine greeting on it. I will eat my candy and think happy thoughts about past Valentine's Day. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ANYONE READING THIS.

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