Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sally and Howard"s wedding
Our daughter Sally and Howard were married in May and I have great memories of it and hope I get them correct however at 87 Idon't worry about that anymore. They were married at Colonial Church in Prairie Village. The church had just been added onto so someparts were not finished. Our daughter Susan was married first but Sally was taller than Susan and needed her own wedding dress. Sally dressed at the church and my grandaughter Debbie was there with her mother. Debbie wanted to dress there also so Susan was dressing her and while she was stark naked she made a dash out of the room completely nude. She was captured easily and retreived. The wedding committee was fond of Sally and did not tell me the dishwasher did not work as they were sure I would tell them to use paper plates and they did not want to. The wedding went off without any problems and Debbie was well behaved as were my two stepson grandsons. Having the fancy wedding in London reminded me of the great weddings I have had at Colonial Church. Happy Anniversary Sally and Howard.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Jazz Sunday
We find that people go to church on Easter and stay home the next week and two clever men at our church a few years back got the great idea of the Sunday after Easter would be Jazz Sunday. This year if you want a regular service you go to the early service and if not you can stay home or go and her a different kind of service. Sometimes it is a solist and sometimes a quartet and this year I understand it is a small choir made upm of a school choir. It is always excellent as they people in charge spend a great deal of time visiting different groups. Not being unable to attend church myself I do not know if the two men who thought of it are still alive but the traditioon lives on and is well attended. It was a good idea.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wheelchairs and the Joys of having one
I live in a wheelchair and am grateful they were invented. I understand the first one known about was for King Phillip of Spain in 1595, They kept improving them through the years. I am on my second wheelchair as the screws kept falling out of the arm of my first chair, I don't think Tiny Tim had one as they probably were too expensive so he used a crutch. I get around the house well but it does limit my car rides to places of excitement like church as I also do not stand very well to move into a car, There is an expensive cab sevice which takes me to the doctor's office but is too expensive for regular entertainment. I am just happy they were invented,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Easter egg hunt
When our five were young we had an egg hunt in the house with artifical grass nests. I know Steve use to trade for licorice ones. I have been filling plastic eggs with a toy, a stamp and candy for Sunday School this week and decorating paper sacks with designs for my family. We will dye hard boiled eggs on Saturday. Some will just be dyed but some will be place cards for the Easter table. You write the name on with a birthday candle before you put it in the dye. You are not required to eat your placecard as othera will to it. Here in Shawnee they are going to drop eggs from an airplane. That would be interesting to see. I take it the children are in one place and they drop the eggs in the next field. There is a good turnout at church on Easter to show off new clothes. Growing up we got new shoes. My dress was generally handed down as I was the 3rd girl but shoes were new. I got my first dress not worn by anyone else when I was 12 and it cost $1.98 at J C Penney's on the second floor next to the bank in Topeka. I was gorgeous. HAPPY EASTER.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Holy Week
Holy week is full of things at my church. One thing was and I still think is was soup and sermons where we ladies of the church served soup at noon and a visiting minister gave us a message for the week. The soup was always great as we have great cooks in my church and the ministers were giving one of their best sermons. The people were all friendly. We had one man who always attended just for the soup and sat on the second row. I think he was homeless and it was an even greater meal for him. It made those of us attending and realize how God had been good to us.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
World's of Fun
I was wondering how they were opening World's of Fun today and remember when we had an exchange student from Turkey they wanted the students to have a parade. Scott drove Mehmet, our Turkish exchange student out to the Park and there were more countries than students so Scott carried a Japanese flag. He did not look very Japanese as he had very blond hair.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Science exam
In August 1009 my grandaughter sent me this and I read it the other day and thought I would share it with anyone who does not get my letters and I forward stuff too and even if you did you will enjoy reading it again.Children's science exam==Name the 4 seasons--Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Explain one of the processes of which water is made safe to drink==grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists. Q, How is dew formed? The sun shines down on the grass and makes it perspire. How can you delay milk from spoiling. Leave it in the cow. Q. What causes the tides in the ocean? The tides are in a fight with the earth and the moon because there is no water on the moon and nature hates a vacumn. I forget where the sun joins in on the fight. Q,What are steroids? Things for keeping the carpet on the stairs. QWhat happens to your body as you age? When you get old so does your bowels and you get intercontinental. Q. What happens when a boy reaches puberty? He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to adultery. Q Name a major disease associated with cigarettes. Premature death. Q Name the main parts of the body. The body is consisted with 3 parts The brainium, the borax containds the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels A. E. I. O. and U. QWhat is the fibula A small lie. Q What does :varicose veins mean? Nearby. QGive the meaning of the term "Caesarian Section" It is a district in Rome. Q What does the word benign mean? Benign is what you are after eight.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Learning to Drive
My assignment for May writing class is about learning to drive. I have a little history first. Cars were sort of invented in my parents lifetime. When my father graduated from college he was a fireman for the Santa Fe railroad. He loved the new invention of automobiles. His brother in laws put up the money and he opened a repair shop in a small town near Topeka, I think Osage City and after I was born he moved to Topeka. He got a battery dealership and as he was very smart in mechanics went to work. He taught my mother to drive and then she in turn taught others. There was no place that taught people to drive they just did. However there were not many cars on the street. My mother taught her children to drive in the Topeka Cemetery, Mount Hope as she felt we would not harm any of the inhabitants. By the time I was in high school they offered drivers training to anyone in the class of auto mechanics. I had one friend who took the course and ended up joining the army because she could drive. I learned fast and I was probably 12 or 14. I had to wait until my legs were long enough to reach the pedals. One lesson I drove on a gravel road to Scranton, Kansas where my graaandmother Burkhardt lived. I got my license when I was 13 or 14, I think it was a learners permit. I ran lots of errands as I was always eager to drive. When my sister and I were in college she had an out of town boyfriend so they were always borrowing my parents car. I was going with Ray, later to be me husband and asked him why did we not borrow my parents car and I found he did not know how to drive. His parents had a car when he was small and they had a wreck and he was hurt so they had no car. I took him out to the river road which was a gravel road and preceeded to teach him. However he drove us into the ditch and we had to be pulled out. He got his license and brought a 1928 green car which he called the Green Hornet. It was kind of noisy and when he would bring me home on dates it would make a great deal of noise and woke my parents as we were generally very late as he worked for a morning paper so our dates were late. My dad would tell him that his axle was in trouble and he would go to the junk yard and pick up a new one for him. One women my mother taught had two flags a red and a green one and when she came to a corner and was going right she used the green if left it was red. So it all boils down to the fact I learned in a Cemetery.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Susan's Blog
I enjoy reading Susan's blog and in the last one she talks about my mother. When Helen and I were pretty grown up our mother informed us that in the future when we wanted something, call her mother. If it was just talking, call her Gussie. I do not know why she picked that but it was her choice not ours and we honored it because she really was more like a friend although she was a good mother. Adults still called her Edna when it wasn't Mrs. Burkhardt.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Editorial on overdue bills
Today I got an overdue bill with money added to it so it is even harder to pay. I have never understood why they charge people more when they do not have enough money in the first place if they have a record of paying bills in the past. My blog is short today as I am just mad at Wastewater of Johnson County.
Friday, April 8, 2011
More elections
I know they are over but it does seem like some things did not get decided. I watch Congress and can't see why they would close the National Parks, for someone would take over those treasures and overcharge for admittance. Who will feed the bears in Yellowstone? who will keep people from stealing those beautiful rocks in Glacier and will there be no trips for anyone through the Statue of Liberty? I am remembering past elections and some stand out. Like when Kennedy was running and two people thought the line for their precinct was too long so stepped into the other line and loused us up so we had to check with election headquarters to find what to do. Now I will let the elections alone for awhile and go back to other memories. I am sure the world wants to know why I ate the paste in Sunday School in the Cradle roll. It was because it tasted like Pepsin gum. I don't think they even have Pepsin gum anymore so the paste would be safe from me.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
This a good day to remember elections. I remember my first memory of elections was when one of my uncles ran for office. We all worked to get him elected. My job was licking stamps to send to voters. He won that year and kept winning until he was Attorney General of Kansas and later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I voted in the school across from my parent's house and then after I was married I worked on the election board in our district. At first there were paper ballots and that meant two boards in each precinct. The second board could start counting the national vote but the local board could not. After the first time I told them I would be back when they got machines. The first machines were very sensitive and we would not let them take children into the voting machine as the child general hit something and their vote was over. One year when we were voting at our local school the apartment house next door to the school caught on fire and the water the firemen used to put it out flooded the school parking lot. I was using a walker at this time so the janitor put a lot of salt out and then helped me to the car as they were afraid I would slip. I made it without any trouble and got to my car. I still always vote now by absentee ballot.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Easter Eggs
I love dying Easter eggs and then eating them. I use to have trouble getting them ready to dye until a 6 year old girl I met at a meeting she was attending with her grandmother taught me. She told me to get a pan that would hold the fresh eggs and then put the pan on heat and she kept telling me "You do not leave the kitchen. When they have boiled one minute you turn off the heat. Now you can leave the kitchen." When they are cooled you dye them. On TV now they advertise a basket. I guess you still would not leave the kitchen while the basket is in the boiling water. We dye the eggs in coffee cups. We write a name on each with a wax candle and use them for placecards at lunch on Easter.
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