Friday, April 8, 2011

More elections

I know they are over but it does seem like some things did not get decided. I watch Congress and can't see why they would close the National Parks, for someone would take over those treasures and overcharge for admittance. Who will feed the bears in Yellowstone? who will keep people from stealing those beautiful rocks in Glacier and will there be no trips for anyone through the Statue of Liberty? I am remembering past elections and some stand out. Like when Kennedy was running and two people thought the line for their precinct was too long so stepped into the other line and loused us up so we had to check with election headquarters to find what to do. Now I will let the elections alone for awhile and go back to other memories. I am sure the world wants to know why I ate the paste in Sunday School in the Cradle roll. It was because it tasted like Pepsin gum. I don't think they even have Pepsin gum anymore so the paste would be safe from me.

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