Monday, November 28, 2011

Cindy's Birthday

Yesterday was my daughter Cindy's birthday. We gathered together and had presents and delicious cake. When she was born it was due on Thanksgiving Day. My husband parents turned up to stay with the other three. My labor pains had started and I went down the basement to check if my husbands shirts were dry. They were on a clothesline in the basement as we did not have a dryer. They were dry and lying on the floor as the clothesline had broke. It made me so mad that my labor pains stopped. They started up again after Thanksgiving and I went to the hospital in Kansas City Kansas==Providence. I was in the hall as it was very crowded and was near the stairs the doctors used. We had thought of the name Cindy as there was a cute song going around called Cindy Lou and the name sounded good to go with Steve. Susan and Sally. She was born without any trouble and not in the hall and I was in time to enjoy meals of leftover turkey. Happy Birthday Cindy. We are glad you came.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Mrs. Knappe's Turkey casserole

Every year the day after Thanksgiving the K C Star use to print "Mrs. Knappe's Turkey Casserole but this year they had a Turkey Taco. Here is her old recipe if you do not want a taco. Here it is. Leftover dressing,leftover turkey, leftover gravy. Bake casserole for 40 minutes at 325 degrees. If you do not have enough gravy packages gravy is good.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I know this is not accurate but I will just write the memory I have. The day after Thanksgiving was another celebration started by a Kansas City Mayor. By the time i was involved in it my memory was a little vague. I can not remember the name of the mayor who started it but I remember him and his wife. One of his friends Jerry Cohen took it over and Jerry I remember well as my husband Ray even wrote about the many things he did for Kansas City. Kansas City ordered a big pine tree from Oregon which came in by train in two pieces. I think it was Bartle. In the time before Thanksgiving they sold chances on a car to be given away on the night after Thanksgiving and the money earned went to Kansas City charities. I think it was a Ford dealer.People would not receive the car because the taxes were too high so they were given a years lease on the car. Every year on the night after Thanksgiving we went to the Crown Center for the festivities. A group sang, then a celebrity spoke a few worda==generally. They gave out candy and the Boy Scouts handed out candles and then help light them during the ceremonies at the end. The ice skating rink was open and you could skate will you were waiting. The next day I would drive Jerry and Ray around while they delivered gifts like candy and toys to Mercy Children's Hospital. One year Jerry's nephew won and they were in a dither. Ray argued he showed have the car. The taxes became too high on the car so the winner got a rental car for a year. Sometimes I sat inside the Crown Center and sold tickets during the ceremonies as the winner was not drawn until the next day. I know the ceremonies are still carried on and they have added fireworks.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving again

One of the nice things in Kansas City at Thanksgiving is the lighting of the Plaza lights. I probably do not have my history correct but I think it was started by JC Nichols. Downtown Kansas City had so many Christmas things. Mr and Mrs Santa Claus in the window of Emery, Bird, Thayer. The neat train in Jones,The Fairy Princess in Klines and he had this new area he started so he started the Plaza Lights.

For a time, when we could afford it, we rented a room at the Alameda and had our children and grandchildren to see the lights turned on. You got a couple of parking places in the garage, ate a good dinner. I generally had to take a casserole of Kraft dinner for grandchildren.

The lights burn out sometimes and there was a florist shop in Fairway who sold the burnt out bulbs as a memento. They have great crowds and the program on a stage is good.

The only other big entertainment is the day after Thanksgiving when they light the Mayor's Christmas Tree at Crown Center. I think there is a Christmas train at Union Station, I will think on these things and hope they are correct but my husband who was a newspaper man, said I was never a reliable source.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thansgiving again

When I was about ten the President did not declare what day was Thanksgiving and states were to choose themselves. Missouri picked one day and Kansas the preceeding Thursday. My father decided to take us to Kansas City on the Thursday Kansas picked and loaded us up and we headed east on Highway Ten which was the south highway and went thru Lawrence, Kansas. We drove by the Indian school in Lawrence and headed east and arrived in the suburb of Kansas City known as Johnson County. Highway ten went through Shawnee and the highway went along through Mission and Fairway going east. We saw them turn on the lights in the Plaza and then left and went across the Kaw River to Kansas City, Kansas and stopped at the Katz store and bought a bag of Chocolate Kisses. We went west on Highway 40 eating the kisses which had been carefully divided and passed Lawrence across the river and on west to Topeka. We had a wonderful time and were all tired out. We had been to the big town east of Topeka. We visited Kansas City a lot to visit Aunt Lily and Uncle Jack> I think it was Liberty. My uncle was a seamstress and worked in a clothing factory and I had three cousins, Fred, Dorothy and Laura.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thansgiving again

When my husband was alive this how we did Thansgiving dinner. We ate in the basement recreation room around the ping pong table sitting some on wooden benches from the backyard picnic table/ We used plastic plates and pretty paper napkins. We used seasonal material the length of the table I bought at a fabric store--4 yards. On Tuesday I fixed the potatoes snd tore them in the crock pot. Wednesday I bake the potatoes. Wednesday I baked 3 pumpkin and one mincemeat, Before we went to bed Ray fixed the turkey in a bag and put it in the oven. It started baking by a timer on the stove. At 11 the oven was available again and I make the Pepperidge Farm stuffing. I add some dripping from the turkey and a lot of water. The group brings in things like Green bean casserole, corn casserole and Yam casserole. Someone brings home made bread. Sally brings Waldorf Salad. We eat at noon so about 11:45 we put on the Kraft macaroni. We open the canned cranberry sauce and cut turkeys out of the slices. We open both kinds of olives, We open the canned gravy and heat. We have the pie on paper plates and birthday cake as we have a four Birthdays. Sometimes we have wine if some one brings it and sometimes Russell Stover chocolates. We have plastic trash sacks to put the trash in for everything but the silverware. Plastic silverware is not good we we do wash regular silverware, Then we sit back and think what a great day it has been and will be as the group will head to the Plaza to watch the lights come on in the evening.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Church Pilgrim Costumes

I need to correct the atory about the costumes as my grandaughter Hayden tells me that when Susan Wa moving she asked about taking the costumes and my grandaughter Hayden who was tired of dressing up in them told her to go ahead, My daughters and grandaughters wwew chosen because on my husbands family they were desendents of Priscialla Alden's granddaughter. She was not mad just moving. Sorry Susan. Thanks Hayden


I love Thanksgiving. My parents belonged to a Congregational church and it was founded by the Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower to Plymouth in New England and started having Thanksgiving to thank God. They started a lot of small colleges including one in Topeka that I graduated from. A few years back we had our church ushers dress like Pilgrims but the member who made the outfits became angry at the church and took the costumes and left the church. We like to celebrate it with the usual Thanksgiving menu of turkey and all the things that went with it. We have used plastic or paper plates so no one has to waste time washing dishes,The food is wonderful. My husband use tom roast the turkey but now I think Cindy does, Every one is assigned a dish and everything is delicious. I think I turn on the oven. In the evening it is down to the Plaza and watch them turn on the lights on all the buildings. Friday the day after it is eat wonderful leftovers and go to Crown Center to see them turn on the lights on the Mayor's Christmas tree. My husband, Ray, use to be be very involved in that. They sell tickets in a raffle that gives the winner a new car. I think now the winner gets the use of a car for a year but I am not sure. It starts the Christmas season off with a bang but think the season has already started in the stores. I shall look forward to the wonderful dinner. I have olives and cranberry sauce which I have so I am ready.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


My job at my Churches Women's group use to read a devotion before we had lunch and my husband Ray use to love to write them. This one I thought would be good on this Sunday Morning/ Dearest Lord Jesus, I hope you will not hold it against me if I speak to you as a friend who has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I hope this can be counted to be the reason for my temerity. I continue to follow your path today as best I can because I believe my heart strongly that your life represents the best hope of mankind and it is for that reason that I have the courage to address you.
I have been asked by this group of your followers here today to address a letter to someone on the question of "Brotherhood-sisterhood Harmony in a world of Differences. I gave the matter a great deal of thought and came to the inescapable conclusion that I could write only to you if I was to express the concepts that I wanted to convey. For over 2000 years the examples of your teachings and your life as you lived it have been a beacon to the world that would have been dark and gloomy without it. You brought hope to all of us in your teachings which have been handed down to us by your devout followers such as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Brotherhood-sisterhood, Harmony in a world of indifference. No one could exemplify that kind of that kind of of concept better than the life you lived. Dearest Lord Jesus, a life so deftly harmonized and unified that it was as all encompassing as the cathedrals that have been built in your honor. Within your outstretched arms= you encompassed all sorts and conditions of men--shepherds, magi,centurions, fishermen, tax gathers, generous women,blind beggars, farmers, vinedressers,children and aged men,scribes and Pharisees,representatives of every class in the social order and every type conceivable in the moral order. Nothing could be more suggestive of the wide appeal which your personality made to men.
No better formula for world of harmony through differences could be discussed than your teaching which has been handed down to us under the description of the sermon of the mount. Take the often repeated phrase "the meek shall inherit the earth" This conveys the daring thought that those who are gentle, which many scholars believe more clearly conveys the meaning of the original Greek word handed to us, and exemplify your spirit may ultimately people the world. You made it so clear that life by any other concept would lead to war, hate and oppression.
In that sermon you asked that we lead life that had an air of mercy and pity toward others. As someone much smarter that I has written;; "What a contrast there was between the attitude of Jesus and Buddha in the presence of misery and wretchedness The latter sought to escape from them while the former enters the haunts of wretchedness and woe to grapple with them and alleviate the suffering of those who are their victims."
In 2000 years,we who are followers seem to have kept alive a flickering spirit of hope in the breast of man. I am writing to ask that you help us to realize that if we truly believe in a merciful God who sent you to convey the spirit by which Man could live a better life and live by your precepts,brotherhood and sisterhood in a world of differences would be the result. Thank you for letting me speak to you and for being the friend who has made life bearable dearest Lord Jesus, Ray Morgan

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

When I was growing up this was Armistice Day but guess that did not cover enough wars so they changed the name. I know there were parades. I remember one especial and it must of been when Japan signed a peace treaty. I drove Ray's 1928 car called The Green Hornet with his mother and Aunt in the back seat honking the horn all the way down Topeka's Kansas Ave, the Main street, along with many other cars and we turned around at the river and drove back honking to Tenth Street. It was a great feeling but I guess we have had so many wars now and soldiers and sailors and Marines are nice enough to stay alive so we have it Veterans Day. You still do not get mail and there are lots of sales.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bridges part 2

I left out a really fun bridge we ran into in one of the Dakotas. They must have been near Mont Rushmore at least that is where I remember them and I think they were still there when we took our family along with my in-laws camping but they were called Pig tail bridges and one went over the bridge and around and went down under them. I really can not remember the point of them but they were fun. I guess sometimes you went under them and then over them. I only remember them in the Dakotas.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The United States has some wonderful bridges. On travels with my parents one year we visited Mount Rushmore where they were putting four presidents on a Mountain. We went San Fransisco as they were building a great bridge. The bridge was not done so we had to take a ferry into the city. Later in Japan we went to the dedication of a new bridge designed by the same designer of the Golden Gate Bridge across the Inland Japan Sea. Here in Johnson County we use to have many rock bridges on the country roads. Topeka use to have a great railroad bridge across the Kaw River. Now the Kaw River is the Kansas River and everyone flies to honor them. I do not expect I will ever have a bridge named after me unless I do something spectacular to be remember by like winning the Worlds Series or giving money to something. Now I do not drive I do not need bridges anyway.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I have visited many waterfalls and I love them. The United States as a great one on the border of Canada and the US called Niagara Falls. I think my parents went there on their Honeymoon. I have visited the falls twice when I was about three and with our five children when we went to the New York Fair when we took our children. We have vised Falls in Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, Victoria Falls in Africa, The Falls that are on the dams that are man made on river between Brazil and Argentina. I do not think we have any falls in Kansas as you need lots of hills and water. Now outside of Las Vegas there is Baganall Dam which has a nice man made waterfall and lake. I know in one place we stopped to see a dam and were greeted with snakes and decided to admire the falls from our car. Victoria is so high and skinny and scary to stand on the bank and admire. The one in Argentina we got to admire by Moonlight and it was really beautiful. Daredevils like to boat on the top of the falls but I would not. We were in a boat above one in China and I was really happy to get to shore.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


America had many catalogs while it was aging and my children use to love the one Seara and Wards put out before Christmas each year generally in October. They would put their name by what they chose and had to take turns as only one to a household. They showed their grandparents in case they needed a suggestion. One year we had trouble with Montgomery Wards and my husband happened to interview the President of Wards and complained and that night the order was delivered to the house. One year I had trouble with Sears and it seemed they had left the first letter off our name and the order was under Organ but the clerk recognized us and found the order. Now the only catalogs I get are for food and needlecraft. I think Toys are Us still has one so this generation is not deprived of the fun of Christmas catalogs.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Cars have really changed in my lifetime. My father had a garage that repaired cars so I met them early ours was used for the funeral of a vice president of the US. Early cars had jump seats, running boards. They had running boards you could actually stand on and ride on during parades clinging to an open window. They had cars that had rumble seats that were great for parades and we even had one of the first electric cars which was like sitting in an electric sewing machine. They still have limos for gangsters and movie stars. We rent a special car to take me in my wheelchair for Doctor's appointments. I expect there is a book printed that compares the cars over the year and it nice to remember I learned to drive in a pick up truck in a cemetery where I could not do much harm to the residents. I would probably still be driving if I had not been a lousy driver and run into a building and broken my knee which is not fixable anymore. I sit in my wheelchair was I am grateful was invented and watched TV which I am also grateful was invented in my lifetime. Now I am glad that cars bring me family, friends and caregivers to my house.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My favorite toy SKATES

I was asked about what was my favorite toy and I think mine was my roller skates. I had ice skates also but you had to go onto a lake for that. Now roller skates you only had to find your skate key and go out the front door and sit on the front steps and fasten them on your shoes. I avoided brick sidewalks but we had nice cement ones around my house and I skated away around the block. I knew the sidewalk well and knew when to raise my foot over squares that did not meet well on the sidewalks around our neighborhood. When I have gone to visit my sister in Topeka in the house where I was raised I still lift my foot automatically. One time I won a pair in a contest but they were weird and you could not skate well on them. As I remember we put the skates in the broom closet just off the kitchen. I was not too good at races but I still raced. I enjoyed my bike but my skates were more fun. In my neighborhood now there are no sidewalks and it looks like it would be hard in the streets. I cannot remember my children skating here at home but went to the indoor rinks and had a great time. I would skate to the grocery for my mother. It was hard to race anyone so as I remember if we raced around the block going different directions to see who would make it around the block first and no cheating and going down the alley. We did not cheat.