Sunday, November 13, 2011


My job at my Churches Women's group use to read a devotion before we had lunch and my husband Ray use to love to write them. This one I thought would be good on this Sunday Morning/ Dearest Lord Jesus, I hope you will not hold it against me if I speak to you as a friend who has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I hope this can be counted to be the reason for my temerity. I continue to follow your path today as best I can because I believe my heart strongly that your life represents the best hope of mankind and it is for that reason that I have the courage to address you.
I have been asked by this group of your followers here today to address a letter to someone on the question of "Brotherhood-sisterhood Harmony in a world of Differences. I gave the matter a great deal of thought and came to the inescapable conclusion that I could write only to you if I was to express the concepts that I wanted to convey. For over 2000 years the examples of your teachings and your life as you lived it have been a beacon to the world that would have been dark and gloomy without it. You brought hope to all of us in your teachings which have been handed down to us by your devout followers such as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Brotherhood-sisterhood, Harmony in a world of indifference. No one could exemplify that kind of that kind of of concept better than the life you lived. Dearest Lord Jesus, a life so deftly harmonized and unified that it was as all encompassing as the cathedrals that have been built in your honor. Within your outstretched arms= you encompassed all sorts and conditions of men--shepherds, magi,centurions, fishermen, tax gathers, generous women,blind beggars, farmers, vinedressers,children and aged men,scribes and Pharisees,representatives of every class in the social order and every type conceivable in the moral order. Nothing could be more suggestive of the wide appeal which your personality made to men.
No better formula for world of harmony through differences could be discussed than your teaching which has been handed down to us under the description of the sermon of the mount. Take the often repeated phrase "the meek shall inherit the earth" This conveys the daring thought that those who are gentle, which many scholars believe more clearly conveys the meaning of the original Greek word handed to us, and exemplify your spirit may ultimately people the world. You made it so clear that life by any other concept would lead to war, hate and oppression.
In that sermon you asked that we lead life that had an air of mercy and pity toward others. As someone much smarter that I has written;; "What a contrast there was between the attitude of Jesus and Buddha in the presence of misery and wretchedness The latter sought to escape from them while the former enters the haunts of wretchedness and woe to grapple with them and alleviate the suffering of those who are their victims."
In 2000 years,we who are followers seem to have kept alive a flickering spirit of hope in the breast of man. I am writing to ask that you help us to realize that if we truly believe in a merciful God who sent you to convey the spirit by which Man could live a better life and live by your precepts,brotherhood and sisterhood in a world of differences would be the result. Thank you for letting me speak to you and for being the friend who has made life bearable dearest Lord Jesus, Ray Morgan

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