Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dinners when Ray was the Speaker

In writing politics you did not always make friends so when Ray attended meetings if he was allowed he took me along. That way he had a least one person who liked him. Since he never charged for speaking he would often ask if I could attend. One of the dinners we attended the mayor of Kansas City, Kansas was the speaker and while he was speaking his wife, who was seated at the headtable fell asleep in the dessert. After that Ray kept an eye on me and if I looked sleepy he quit. One speech I always enjoyed was his "It's Fourth of July and everything is okay." One time he was speaking at one of the hotels and they forgot I had been invited and there was no room so they put me at the end of the head table which was on a platform and I worried about falling off backwards. I did not. Most of the time I got to sit with him but sometimes he was at the head table and I was just off at another table. Sometimes the other people would scare me. I was easily scared when it was the mafia. I attended a dinner with Ray when Goldwalter was running for president and I was placed at a table with Joyce Hall. For some reason when they went to serve our table they gave me his special ordered plate which made him very angry. They brought him the another one. I met him many times afterwards and was grateful that he didn't remember me.

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