Thursday, July 9, 2009

Westward Ho

When I was three we went on the great camping trip East. Then my father decided he wanted to go West. We had learned more now as we had taken some short trips. We loaded up the car again and headed North first. We were aiming toward Mt. Rushmore that we heard they were carving faces out of stone. Arriving in South Dakota and going over and under pig tail bridges we arrived. The designer was standing on the ground at the foot of the mountain and using a miciphone was telling them when to chisel. I think they were working on Thomas Jefferson. From there we headed west for Yellowstone Park. Arriving there we rented a cabin--we were not in a tent this time. We drove around and took in the sights like Old Faithful and geysers. At night we sat on bleachers and looked through a fence while the bears ate garbage. We admired everything and took time to drive North in to Montana so we could say we had been in Montana. My brother, Allan, missed his future wife and wrote her everyday and tore off a corner of the map and mailed them to her. We went west again to San Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge was not built yet but the Oakland Bay Bridge was and we went across that and once took a ferry across. We saw China Town and viewed San Francisco. My brother was missing his girl friend so we went home. In Reno when we stopped they had chocolate covered frozen bananas on a stick which I thought were great. I have not had them since. They must have lost the recipe. We arrived back in Topeka and my father was very happy as he had gone both directions now in the United States and I think we had been in most of the 48 states. Come to think of it there were not 48 states then.

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