Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When we moved to Kansas City you could burn your trash but there was still a trash pickup twice a week. Sometimes we burned our trash when there was going to be time to have it cool before pick up time. When we moved here all the rooms were the same color walls. In Topeka we had dark green walls in the front room and liked that. We had lots of green paint and decided to paint the front room in our new house as in the afternoon with bright sun and no trees it was bright. We did not have a TV yet. We finished up the paint and put the cans in the trash. Later we burned the trash forgetting about the paint cans which we knew were empty. Our neighbor to the north was in the backyard with his small son, Ronnie, when the trash blew up and sprayed paint all over he and his son. It was washable paint.

Then to the East we had new neighbors which we really did not know yet very well. One day Ray decided to give a safety talk to our children and any neighbor kid who was in the backyard and getting out his bow and arrow shot a hole through the sheet of the new neighbor who had hung out her laundry. I expect it was an accident as Ray seldom hit what he aimed for. He had to go up and apologize and offer to buy a new sheet.

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