Sunday, November 8, 2009

Prom server dress

My daughter, Cindy, had several friends but two were special--Stacy and Kristen. I liked them also and they had nice mothers. The three of them opened up schools like Trailridge Junior High or is it middle school and Northwest High School. For that matter when it was time to go to high school the building for the high school was not done. They went to Trailridge half a day and the Junior High went half a day. It meant that Cindy and our son Scott did not get to argue as much as they liked. The principal of Northwest had many bright ideas like three semesters instead of two. The PTA had three presidents--a parent, a teacher and a student. Ray was the parent. I do not remember the teacher but the student was killed during spring break that year. He fell off a log while hiking and drowned. Come the Junior-Senior Prom it was going to be like Romeo and Juliet. The three friends as sophomores were servers and were to wear dresses with the theme. I picked up the material for Cindy's dress and picked the wrong side of the material so her dress was wrong side out. One of the mother's of her two friends said if you could not tell it riding by on a galloping horse it did not matter. Cindy was brave and wore it.

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