Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Third Graders and Communion

Many years ago I taught Sunday School. We were given lots of helpful advice but were really on our own. One year I was teaching third graders along with another teacher named Doris. We were to teach the third graders about communion. We explained what it was and showed them the bread and the grape juice and then Doris noticed they were going to have communion in church. She asked the minister if we could attend, sitting in the back of the church and the minister said, NO. Doris was not one to take No for an answer. Come Sunday after the sermon, we marched in with our third graders and did not sit in the back as those pews are always full but marched up the aisle to the front seats. Our third graders were perfect and well behaved. They ate the bread immediately and waited to drink the grape juice and drank it together. They had learned well. We were proud of them.

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